We welcome all walks of life and all faiths and beliefs.

Living Your Best End offers heart-centered, holistic and practical guidance to the dying and their loved ones.
The personalized services are designed to support you in living your best end, no matter what that may look like or where you are on your journey.


Hello! I’m Melissa.

I'm here to walk with you wherever you are on your end of life journey. It's that simple. As a full-time Death Doula and founder of Living Your Best End, I strive to create safe and supportive spaces for my clients to just be, without expectations. I believe everyone deserves to explore their fears, hopes, and wishes about death and dying and I believe everyone can benefit from planning and preparing for the end of life. I stand beside my clients as a willing witness and empower them design an end of life experience unique to their own values and wishes.

What's a Death Doula?

Death doulas (or end of life death doulas support to the dying and their loved ones before, during, and after a death occurs. The support is non-medical and holistic encompassing emotional, spiritual, and practical care.

Why do I do this type of work?
I developed a passion for end-of-life care with the unexpected passing of my father in 2016. That loss opened my eyes to the gap in the way modern society approaches death and dying. Through my work as a death doula, I aim to provide compassionate support, guidance, and a sense of peace to individuals and their families during this profound journey. My personal experience fuels my commitment to ensuring that everyone facing the end of life can do so with dignity, comfort, and the opportunity to embrace their unique journey.

Services Offered

Please contact me for pricing details.
I offer both an hourly rate and packaged rates for services.

Pragmatic solutions for end of life care
Caregiver Respite

Caregiving is a demanding job and no one is equipped to do it alone. To bring your best to your loved one, it is vital to take a break and recharge regularly.

End of Life Education and Resources

Engage in judgment-free discussion about death and dying. Understand your options and resources for Medical Aid in Dying (MAID), Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED), body disposition, home funerals, funeral homes and mortuaries, and much more.

Advance Care Planning

Be empowered to create plans (i.e., Advanced Healthcare Directives, End of Life Plan) that reflect your values and wishes. Receive support navigating difficult conversations and feel more at ease knowing your final wishes will be respected.

Tools to manage distress and dis-ease from the challenging and uncertain nature of transitions

Grief is the anguish experienced due to a significant loss. There are many types of grief including anticipatory, delayed, complicated, and/or cumulative. I help clients cope with their grief and guide them through the process with invitations, support, tools, deep listening and referring to specialists when necessary.


Ideally, your dying time will be a sensory experience that brings ease. Though tough to control, I can help my clients create a plan that supports their ideal transition environment and be bedside to facilitate.


Reduce anxiety and experience a deep sense of rest through energic healing, guided meditation, and grounding somatic techniques.

Capture life stories, lessons, sentiments, memories and traditions
While You're Living

Depending on the client's energy levels, I can help tell their story and ensure their memory is treasured. Some example legacy projects include conducting a comprehensive life review, letter writing, assembling a photo collage, or even recording a simple voice message.

In Honor of the Deceased

Keep the memory of your loved one alive through continuing bonds, creating keepsakes, and participating in meaningful acts.

Ritual is an embodied action that holds meaning

Mark a poignant moment with beautiful words or an act of kindness transforming it into a treasured memory for loved ones to carry.

Celebration of Life

Be remembered your way. I can assist you with designing a memorial service that uniquely reflects you. Planning your funeral in advance can be a final gift to your loved ones during a difficult time. By taking care of this responsibility beforehand, your loved ones can focus on being emotionally present with your community.

Living Funeral

Being present at your last gathering can bring a sense of peace, empowerment, and comfort to you and your loved ones.

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Let’s Chat

Wherever you are on your end of life journey, it would be an honor to meet and support you.
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